Awareness. Connection. Community.

Zen Summit
Prioritizing your own well-being calls for intentionally creating space for healing and restoring - enter the SEL Integrations Zen Summit. Our evidence based approach utilizes a physical space in your building to create a calming, restful space for mindfulness and self-compassion practices.
The Zen Summit provides opportunities for relaxation and sends a powerful message to your staff that their social-emotional health and well-being are worth investing in.

Professional Learning
At SEL Integrations, our goal is to deliver impactful, cutting-edge professional learning which instills agency and ownership for the participants. Our trainings are relevant, experiential, and utilize the most current research in brain science and best practices. We offer professional learning in:
Achievement Outcomes
Connected Classroom Community
Returning to In-Person Learning
Climate and Culture
Adult Wellness

Coaching for Capacity
Strong leaders leverage relationships to create engagement, vulnerability, and community.  SEL Integrations is passionate about coaching teachers and school leaders to focus on connection and relationship building as the foundation for learning and academic growth. Our experienced team of coaches are available to provide one-on-one classroom coaching, coaching for building leaders, and coaching for instructional coaches.

Curriculum Mapping with Standards Alignment
Authentic SEL is embedded all day, every day to create caring, responsive, and engaging learning environments. This requires intentionality, cross-content integration, and a district-wide, purpose-driven scope and sequence. Our team at SEL Integrations has experience with multiple frameworks and standards. We are able to assist your team with implementing:
The CASEL Framework and Five SEL Competencies
Illinois Social and Emotional Learning Standards
Illinois Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards
Framework for Anti-bias Education with Social Justice Standards
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Second Step Alignment to SEL Competencies and Social Justice Standards
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy and Mindset

Returning to an On-Site Work Environment for Businesses
With businesses welcoming employees back to their buildings, leaders are looking for ways to support their staff during this emotional transition, while also protecting their health. Our experts at SEL Integrations will support you in creating a return-to-work plan, along with communication to promote well-being and understanding. Here are the current trainings and services that we provide:
Strategies for a Healthy Transition Back to the Workplace
Stress Reduction & Mindfulness for Maintaining Work-Life Balance
Designing an Impactful Return-to-Work Plan
Leveraging Relationships for Workplace Well-being
Leadership Academy: EQ for Leaders During COVID-19